

Confederation College’s Business program is a two-year Ontario College Diploma program for students who want a comprehensive education in all areas of...

Embedded Systems

The Embedded Systems graduate certificate program provides electrical and electronic engineering graduates with hands-on opportunities to acquire...

Retirement and Long Term Care Management

Due to the aging population and the commitment from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to provide long term care beds in Ontario, there is an...

Civil Engineering Technician

A Civil Engineering Technician plays a key role in the health, safety and economic well-being of our communities. As a graduate of our two-year...

Mechanical Engineering Technology

Is your goal to find employment in the rapidly expanding technological industry? Are you mechanically inclined? Industry is experiencing a rapidly...

Elearning Developer

With the growth of online education, teaching and training has advanced the need for skilled developers of web-based learning. This program is...

Nephrology Nursing

This program prepares nurses to deliver kidney care to affected patients across all stages of the kidney care journey, from early detection through...

Pharmacy Technician

Prepare for a rewarding career in healthcare. Explore our Pharmacy Technician program at Confederation College in Thunder Bay, Canada. Start your...

Office Administration - Executive

This two-year Diploma program will develop the administrative and technological skills you will need in order to meet the demands of the current and...