
Our Fitness Facility (Wellness Centre)

Nautilus, Pace & Cardio Equipment Reebok Body Trek Commercial Treadmills Lifecycles Recumbent Cycles Studio Cycles Step Machine Stairmaster Free...

Wellness Centre Memberships

Explore Confederation College's Wellness Centre Memberships: Affordable options for students, seniors, and adults. Enjoy flexible rates, free lockers...

Fitness Programs (Wellness Centre)

FITNESS CLASSES In order to give our instructor and participants a well deserved break, our fitness classes will return September 2022. Have a great...

Pre-Admission Paramedics Fitness Testing

Available at The SUCCI Wellness Centre with Fitness Coordinator & Personal Trainer, Shannon Harris. Book your appointment by calling 475-6484. Fee is...

Contact the Wellness Centre

Reach out to the Wellness Centre today. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with guidance, support, and resources to enhance your well-being...

Wellness Centre Policies

Explore Confederation College Wellness Centre policies, including membership, hygiene, and parking guidelines. Stay informed to enjoy your fitness...