
Work Placement Programs

Explore our Work Placement Programs for various disciplines like Business Administration (Accounting & Human Resources), Engineering Business, Safety...

Co-operative Education

Discover Co-operative Education (Co-op) Opportunities - Gain valuable work experience through our year-round temporary, seasonal, and full-time...

Work Placement Information

Work Placements consist of scheduled hours of activities with an employer in the workplace and is intended to give students hands-on experience...

I am a Work Placement Student

Congratulations! Successful completion of the post-secondary program Work Placement is the final required course before graduation. Students...

I am a Work Placement Employer

Empower your organization with Work Placements. Benefit from motivated students, access specialized programs, and contribute to future talent. Explore...

FAQ's for Work Placement Employers

Enhance your organization with our Work Placement Programs. Get support and answers to common questions for a positive experience.

FAQ's for Work Placement Students

Students have many questions about work placements. Our Program Coordinators and Student Career Services Work Placement staff are available to answer...

Field Trip Information

Field Trips are included in the following Confederation College programs as an additional form of experiential learning: Film Production Interactive...